
Family Registration

Announcements to families:


June 2024: Hello families! Our Summer Session Registration is now open. Please use the link above to register for practices. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to email us at everyplayerplays@gmail.com. We hope you all enjoy summer!


May 2023: Happy Spring everyone! Our ASP Team is happy to announce that we have re-opended registration for this coming summer! If you are interested in registering your child and joining the fun, please use the ‘Click Here’ button and complete our form. After completing the form, a member of our team will reach out to you via the email address you provided. Please be patient with our team, as our enrollment rate is high and we try to reach out to each family as soon as scheduling permits. (Note, all families previously registered in late 2022/early 2023, you DO NOT need to complete the form again to continue with us into the summer sessions. Please simply continue attending our scheduled practices as usual.)

Thank you all for your patience and support, and we look forward to growing our community soon!

To access the form you may click the button below or scan the QR code

Note, this registration link is for families who are interested in learning more about the study and is by no means a formal commitment. Please contact everyplayerplays@gmail.com for further questions.

After we receive your submission, a member of our ASP team will reach out to you via the email address you provided with information regarding next steps. NOTE: please be sure to add everyplayerplays@gmail.com to your contact list so that emails from our team do not end up in your Spam folder. Please be patient with us, as our current enrollment rate is very high and our team reaches out to each family directly to assess everyone’s unique needs and circumstances. Thank you for your interest in the Autism Sports Project!

Note, if you would like to get involved with ASP, we are still actively recruiting staff/volunteers and fundraising our efforts. For more information on how to become part of our team, please visit our ‘About’ page linked above. To donate to ASP, click anywhere on our website with the ‘Donate’ button. Thank you all for your support!

Family Consent Form 2022